Nail Care

We treat problem nails every day! While you may find them embarrassing, we see problem nails all the time and can do wonders in the time it takes to have a consultation.
A lot can happen to nail, and we see various problems at Foot Right Podiatry. The most common nail issues we see are
- Ingrown toenails
- Thickened toenails
- Discoloured toenails
- Fungal toenails
- Inflamed tissue around the toenails
- Bruised or damaged toenails
Usually, your Podiatrist will be able to begin treatment of your problem toenails at your initial appointment. The treatment will include addressing your nail concerns, treatment of the affected nails and the development of a treatment plan to eliminate the problem or prevent the problem from recurring.
Your Podiatrist can assist with cutting thickened nails and improving the overall nail shape. We use a specialised drill to reduce the thickness of your nail – this treatment is usually pain free.
How to Care for Your Nails
- Cut your nails straight across and do not attempt to cut into the side of the nails
- File your nails after trimming to reduce the chance of leaving small fragments of nail down the side of your nail
- If your nail becomes sore while wearing a particular shoe, it is a good indicator that the shoe is not wide or deep enough for your toes.
- Limit, or discontinue the use of this shoe